Coke vs Pepsi Rivalry: India Welcomes You

Coke and Pepsi reminds us of their classic rivalry with some Halloween themed advertising: Source:–iR3CLY/UnU3tPZjQlI/AAAAAAAAMNQ/a3B7tiAsh8Y/s1600/Pepsi+vs+Coca-Cola.jpg

Although sources for these images aren’t entirely verified to be from Pepsi or Coke, the promotion of both popular brands is achieved. Pepsi and Coca Cola’s rivalry seems like they are aggressively trying to capture a larger share of the soft-drink market, but their rivalry can be mutually beneficial in marketing marketing both brands. This is perhaps why CEO of Pepsico, Indra Nooyi, invites Coca Cola’s rivalry to India with open arms.

In a recent TV interview, Nooyi suggests that we ask ourselves, “isn’t it great that two US-based multinationals, truly global companies, are showing their confidence in India?” Pepsico and Coca Cola will collectively invest a total of around 10 billion dollars in India. I agree with Nooyi in choosing to invest in India’s large and rapidly growing population. Both companies can contribute to providing employment for the developing country’s labour market while strengthening each of their supply chains. Improvements in infrastructure such as roads and highways to aid distribution are also one of the many advantages Pepsi and Coca Cola could bring to India.

Check out the article here.

Bouckley, Ben. “Indra Nooyi Laughs off ‘irrelevant’ Pepsi v Coke Competition Talk.” Beverage Daily. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. <>

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