Definitions Matter!

Ethics in the world today are considered to be of the utmost importance; however, this does not stop most people form crossing the “ethical line” as is said by Bryan Borzykowski in the BBC capital.

This article talks about the ethical principles of cheating, how it affects many people in more or less the same way (a least a good 60% if there is an incentive to do so), and how it is very hard for people to avoid cheating or to backtrack once they have commenced.

In this article, Bryan Borzykowski clearly states that in this context, being ethical means being completely honest about your work and not cheating at all. The issue with some of the other articles provided is that the “ethical dilemma” or “line” that is being crossed is not really defined, so in general, it is hard to follow exactly what is considered an ethical dilemma or not. This is the core issue that many people face according to these articles, that they can justify themselves by “pushing” the limit of what can be considered ethical work behavior and just like the article I based this off of says this leads to the “slippery-slope effect”.

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