Innovation in the future, for the future.

by LucyStephenson

As a change to the ordinary Blog post, I decided to dive into a topic that I consider to be most relevant and extremely interesting in relation to Sauder School of Business and people’s everyday life.

‘Innovation’ can be defined as the creation or change of something to make it more efficient or effective. This could come in terms of products, services, processes and ideas.

I believe that Innovation has been taken as a much too broad concept in terms of ideas. People coming up with useless products, such as the banana slicer or app’s that do nothing, except cost $999; is making people who come up with brilliant ideas – confused. Some people who have had interesting, useful and remarkable inventions are not receiving the funding and ability to launch their ideas; whereas those who shouldn’t receive funding; – are.

Hence, the question I am posing is: Where is innovation going in the future?

A topic that I have long been passionate about, is that of sustainability, conservation and the environment, which leads me to the following idea: In my opinion, innovation should be going in a direction of filling gaps in the market. In a world where resources are running out and poverty is increasing, innovators should be looking to satisfying every humans needs through new ideas and products – not just those of the wealthy.

While most visionaries are looking to make large profits, there is still the question of what will happen when clean drinking water runs out, the air isn’t breathable, global warming is being driven through the roof, and the wealth of the world is solely focused on a tiny part of the population.

Thus the ultimate question posed, which I hope will be answered throughout my time at University is: Who will drive humanity forward through Innovation, and most importantly how?
I believe the future of the modern world lies in the hands of the innovators, scientists and highly passionate people.

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