Lucy Stephenson

UBC Comm101 Blog

Category: Uncategorized

Step up your game, Australia!

The introduction, maintenance and determination of renewable resources are more important today than ever before. Non-renewable resources are slowly coming to an end, as the finite resources are being exploited to their fullest capacity. Australia: A country with glaring sun almost all year round, large areas of unused land and also coastal, leading to high […]

culture in the workplace – Google

Following up from the guest lecture “people, culture and teams” by Danielle Van Jaarsfeld, where we discussed the culture in firms and also different ways of working together in cooperation’s. We used Zappos online shoe store as a case study in class, however the business that kept coming to my mind was Google. Plenty people […]

Perception vs Reality

Being from the UK, Primark is a big part of Students and Teenagers culture. It is a low cost clothing shop, with basic and fashionable clothing items. In 2008, Primark went through a scandal of being accused of using child labour in India, paying a mere 60cents a day to children working exceptionally long hours. […]

Can businesses grow too fast and too much? BYD

Most businesses start off small, and in time they grow into large enterprises and companies. BYD – Build your dreams is a Chinese rechargeable battery manufacturer which did exactly that. It started off as a miniature company in 1995 with 25 employees. It grew exceptionally, and the founder Wang Chuanfu is now the richest man in […]

Innovation in the future, for the future.

As a change to the ordinary Blog post, I decided to dive into a topic that I consider to be most relevant and extremely interesting in relation to Sauder School of Business and people’s everyday life. ‘Innovation’ can be defined as the creation or change of something to make it more efficient or effective. This […]

Sex sells

The advertising billboard for clothing of the elite Paris fashion brand ‘Sisley’ is provocative, sexual and inappropriate for young viewers. It is the definition of “sex sells” – most people will know these famous words to remember, when trying to market a product, in this case clothing. Over the years brands have become more and […]

Tropicana’s redesigning failure

Tropicana juice recreated their packaging in 2008/2009, giving its juice boxes a new design, less familiar with customers. Rebranding and Redesigning their product that was already a competitor in the eyes of consumers was a bad idea. The new package has seen absolute failure in supermarkets. Tropicana sales dropped by 20% after the new packaging was  introduced. (Zmuda, […]

Response: Oguz, Can “Business Ethics” & the BP oil spill

Today, there is cutthroat competition between businesses to increase their market share, reputation and revenue. As we know, ambition and competitiveness are crucial to be successful, but there must be regulations to prevent immorality and unethical behaviours. Trustworthiness and credibility are essential for a business to maintain their success, if a company loses it, then […]

Apple, Position of a Leader

One of the most recent areas of study has been Value Propositions, which takes introduced me to the Article “Positioning” by Al Ries and Jack Trout. In this Article, they discuss how brand imaging and a companies effort to develop their products and company more are difficult in the long run, due to the first […]

Ethics in Business

Ethics flood people’s every day lives. They are best described as the moral decisions people make as to whether something is good, bad, the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do. As most people are aware, cigarettes are harmful to the smoker, and others around them. In the article “Britain says ready to […]

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