Here is the link to my school library website. I have added all the information for this course under the Inquiry Based Learning tab on the bottom left hand side. As I described yesterday, some thing have worked well, and some not so well but I really do look at this as a work in progress. When we get back to school and I use these resources, I will see what works and what does not and adjust as necessary. As with technology, my project will be ever changing to meet the needs of the users.
This project has been a culmination of a journey in confidence for me over the last three weeks. When we first began, I felt that I was not very proficient with technology. I still am probably not very proficient with technology as compared to others in this class but what I have gained is the confidence to give things a try. This can be seen in the variety of thing that I attempted to add to my website, a Pearltree, a blog, embedded video (I even tried to follow online instructions but can’t find the buttons that I have been asked to find. Obviously this online searching can’t take the place of face to face question and answer time), and a Shelfari Widget. I would not have even tried such things three and a half weeks ago.
We tried a great many things this course and learned about many others. I think that as I am designing lessons, units and learning experiences, I will now think to what type of technology might supplement our objectives. I look forward to seeing some of these resources put into practice in my teaching practice this year.
The other important thing that I have learned is that it is OK to ask. Often I think that either I should know something already or that it is too much trouble for others to help me but if everyone felt like that, nothing new would ever get done. I have learned that there is a huge network of people willing to take a moment to help if I just ask. Not only with my teaching colleagues, but I have also been in contact with the help desk at my district this week and they have been more than helpful. I suppose it all goes back to me having a lack of confidence in my abilities and needing to build up the confidence to take risks even if I am not completely successful. Thanks for a great three weeks of expanding my horizons and building my confidence.