Module 1 Questionnaire

Module 1 Questionnaire


1. What policies govern your uses of ICT in your school setting?

Students must have their parents sign an internet agreement form at the begining of the year.  Without this form, staff are not to let students use the internet.  Other than that, there is little quidance from the school level.  Individual teachers govern what their students can and can’t do.

2. What digital technological resources do you have available for teaching and learning in your school setting?

All classrooms except the library have been outfitted with Smartboards.  We have a computer lab with 30 computers.  There are also about 5 or 6 iPads floating amongst classroom teachers.  We do have some district licenses such as Learn 360 that provide access to streaming video.  The library currently has a laptop and  a projector.


3. Please provide an example of an exemplary use of digital technologies for teaching and learning that you have observed or experienced personally.

I have to say that I can’t think of an example that I have seen that I would consider exemplary.  I find that sometimes, technology can increase engagement or can support a point but I can’t think of a time when technology was so valuable to a lesson that the lesson hinged on the great technology and was memorable because of the technology.

4. Please provide an example of a problematic use of digital technologies for teaching and learning that you have observed or experienced personally.

I think that for me the most problematic use of technology (provided that it is working) is when technology is added just for the sake of adding technology.  I can’t count the powerpoints that I have seen that are so text laden that you can’t read it all before it moves on to the next slide.  If used to highlight certain points, it is more effective.  Or, why do I need to watch an embedded video that states the same thing the person presenting just stated.  Enhancing a point is one thing, beating it to death is quite another.

5. Please provide a brief history of how you learned to use digital technologies (personally and professionally).

Really, I have learned what I know by trial and error.  I hear of something that sounds interesting and I take a litte time to try it out.  However, I rarely become competent enough to continue on.  I have been to the odd professional development session that teaches me something new but again, I rarely persevere and bring it into my personal or professional life for the long term.

6. How would you rate your digital technological proficiency? 0 = low level of proficiency -> 10 = high level of proficiency? Why did you give yourself this rating?

I think that I am about a 2 or 3.  I can follow directions if they are laid out for me in a step by step fashion but and not one to just pick up an iPad and immediately know how it works.  The biggest block for me is that it takes time to get good at different forms of technology and I don’t invest the time into each one to be truly proficient.

7. What do you hope to accomplish in this course?

I hope to have had some time to explore different technologies in a guided fashion so that I am able to become decent at some things that I could see myself implementing in September.  I look forward to hearing what other teacher librarians are finding usefull in their roles, especially in elementary school situations.

1 Comment

Filed under Community Participation

One Response to Module 1 Questionnaire

  1. Jenny Arntzen

    It sounds like you have a lot of professional autonomy in your uses of ICT in your school. Are the computers in the lab well maintained? Can you get software loaded on them easily? Can students download and save files easily? What we are hoping to work toward, in this course, is identifying and creating instructional designs that take advantage of ICT to enrich, enhance or enable learning. The innovative use of ICT should bring a dimension to learning that would not otherwise be possible. It is certainly true that the institutional uses of technology are not as seamless as our personal uses of technology. That said, we need to become proficient at bringing the affordances of digital technologies into school settings, glitzches and all. Ugh. I hate youtube video lectures. Why not just deliver the content in person and open up the topic for discussion or in-class research? It does take time to build ICT skill, knowledge and expertise. No doubt about that. Using ICT improves ICT skills.

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