Week 2 Summary

After the shock of the first week (my head was spinning a bit) and thinking that we were going to be spending the next three weeks frantically signing up for everything available on the internet, I feel much more calm this week.  If nothing else, I feel that I have the confidence to give any kind of technology a try, after all, what is the worst that could happen?  I have a unique opportunity this coming year to teach with another fantastic teacher in the library space at my school.  Her funding is coming from some math and science collaboration funding so all the library duties are still mine but since we are both going to be based out of the library.  I was finally able to synthesize a bit of what I have been taking in in both my classes and this is the copy of the email I sent her yesterday…

I would like to revolutionize the library in some small ways this coming up year.  These new laptops, iPads and that big TV need to be used.  While I think that it is a bit backwards to be planning around the technology (technology should be purchased around need) I do feel compelled to really embrace technology this year.  Here are some of my ideas…

-I would like to try to figure out a way to get book trailers playing on that big TV, on a loop, especially during book exchange times.  Eventually this year I would like to do a project with some classes where they create book trailers for the library books they are reading, a way of encouraging others to read what they thought was good.  Way better than recommendations on a piece of paper.  iMovie could be used for this…

-I would like to work with a class or two and write and illustrate books that could be transferred into book format.  I am pretty sure that we can do this with some scrapbooking software and then get them done in hard cover for not much money (maybe even through Costco, definitely online).  Even if we just do one copy and keep it in the library, or parents could buy a copy if they turn out well.

-I would like to do some inquiry based units this year, kind of like I have done in the past but implementing more technology…web quests, movie presentations, cartooning presentations, animoto…???

-Would love to write a graphic novel with a class…

 -I would like the library laptops to open to the library website rather than the school website and would like to spend some time updating and improving this site

-I think we need to sit down together at some point and outline the services that we can help with this year so that everyone has an idea of what we can offer, help with and support.  I am not always sure that people fully understand what we can offer. 

-Insignia has some cool features I think, like we can link it to the website and it will highlight our newly catalogued books…very cool.  Looking forward to learning more about it in September

-I would also like to see if I can connect a blog to a SharePoint website so that students (and teachers) could make book recommendations directly to the library website rather than on little pieces of paper  

-I would kind of like to push us past PowerPoint this year if we can.  If I have learned one thing these two weeks, it is that I am not so bad with technology and all you have to do is give it a try:)

What do you think?  (Overwhelming….yes.  Good to have high hopes….YES!)


My project next week will help flesh out the inquiry based teaching and learning aspect of my “to do” list for the coming year.  I am particularly excited to be working with this other teacher as the library position is so isolating in a school, I am the only one who does what I do.  I look forward to implementing ideas and bouncing ideas off this other teacher as I think that with support and collaboration I have an even greater chance of success.  For the first time since beginning this class, I was actually able to put into words a technology vision for the upcoming year.  Yay!


Filed under Assignment 2

4 Responses to Week 2 Summary

  1. janjan

    I am so impressed with your plan! It is a bit ambitious but like you say aim high 🙂 Do you have collaborative time built into your schedule. I have 3 80 minute blocks a week to collaborate with teachers. The person I share my job with also has 80 minutes a week of collaboration time. I would love for you to let me know how things go this year as my goals ( although not as ambitious) are very similar. I too, find that I would like to be able to bounce off what I am doing with someone in the same situation. Book trailers ( yes! great for promoting literacy, summarizing key points in a story, publishing work, creative presentation. )
    Having a forum for sharing books is something I want to do as well, I believe I am going try Pinterest this week as a possibility. Keep in touch!

    • tesskidd

      Good for you Lisa. We still have one week left, but you have created a vision and you are going to run with it!!
      I love the idea of having book trailers playing on your t.v. You can do three things at once: advertise books, allow students to create meaningful work that they share, and make use of the t.v.
      This past week has really got me thinking about having students collaborate and make their own ebook. The ebooks could be make available on your library webpage, and in print form.
      Don’t keep what you do in the library a secret! I certainly think it is important to spread the word to teachers, parents, and students what you do in the library! When I first started teaching, I honestly didn’t know what happened in the library, and the librarian didn’t let us know what she did.
      Cheers to you…you have already started this conversation with your teaching partner.!

  2. jenniferlazareck

    Those are some GREAT goals Lisa!

    I recommend a timeline as you have a few strands of things to do with your ICT this year. This way you can visualize and plan your projects to achieve optimum success!

    I also like book trailers, here are a few ideas to help you along…

    Often there are trailers ready made on some of the authors websites.

    You could also create a “Youtube channel” and add the trailers that are there into one place for your TV loop. (I do this with Drama clips for my classes!)

    You could also have students & staff “review” a book on Macs’ Photo Booth – video off an ipad that you will use to run your TV loop with. Theses can be done anytime or where and then emailed to you, if you run out of time in the library!

    Voicethread.com is also a fun way to create a book trailer using pictures and sound. It is free for the first 5 you create. You could also buy a package for the school depending on your budget.

    As we say in my 1-to-1 laptop English class,

    Break a finger!

  3. Jenny Arntzen

    Lisa, it is so interesting to read through your posts up to this moment. I like your comment about not spending our time together signing up for online applications. I also appreciate your comment about utilizing existing resources (because they are there, after all) but conceiving the curricular and pedagogical elements first and then figuring out how the technology can enrich, enhance or enable learning. Its too bad the technology was disclosed to teachers as an end in itself (you can do this, and this, and this…) rather than contextualized within larger global societal needs or local learning needs.

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