Why School was a great read for me this week. While it was very American in its content, it only serves to make me love teaching in Canada that much more. I thoroughly agree that when students are engaged, they are more likely to seek out answers and ways to problem solve. I actually brought with me from home the Focus on Inquiry document that came out of Alberta in 2004, just for some relaxation reading when I am not working on homework. While inquiry based learning has been around for some time, I am not sure that I have a handle on what it really entails. However from the blurry vision I have on this topic, I think that this type of learning lends itself very well to implementing technology in a variety of ways.
After all the work that has been going on with collaboration in my district last year, I was really hoping to focus technology on enhancing this collaboration. I was also wanting to explore this inquiry based learning to greater depth. I am wondering if they both can fit together in some way and also implement technology as a support for both the collaboration and the inquiry. Perhaps the resources we have looked at this week could support both these points, or perhaps there are other aspects of technology that could enhance these topics to a greater extent.
I found a little video on YouTube that talks about project based learning (inquiry based learning). The video is not the greatest in terms of graphics but the ideas presented are really great. Not only does it talk about the classroom but about a similar project in the work world. The connection is made that this is a life long skill that will be as useful in the professional world as it is in the classroom.
Project Based Learning: Explained
Here is where my technological expertise is lacking. I can’t figure out how to put the video here, but I am fairly sure the link will take you there on your computer…It does on mine. if anyone can help me learn how to insert a YouTube video into a blog I would be very grateful!