Category Archives: Assignment 3

Ugh…when vision and product don’t meet

SharePoint has been the thorn in my side for the last couple of days.  I have spent a copious amount of time trying to get my vision into reality on my SharePoint website and it is driving me crazy!  As the official way to do all things in my school district, I am trying to tow the party line and give it a fair shot.  In all honesty, I do not have a lot of experience with building websites so I am not really sure if it is me or if it is SharePoint.

The first thing that I tried to do was to add a Pearltree of websites that explain what Inquiry Based Learning is.  In didn’t think that this worked, even though on my screen in did because I had someone else test it out yesterday and my Pearltree didn’t up.  Thankfully when Jenny tried today it worked on her computer…perhaps I did something right.

The second thing that I tried to do was put a “shelf” from Shelfari up with 5 books that were recommended reading.  Somehow, only one book would transfer onto my shelf…weird.  So I changed from the shelf widget to a widget that just produced a list with pictures of the books.  Not quite what I was going for aesthetically but it is there in some form.  So, I guess I did something sort of right.

Then I tried to embed a YouTube video onto a page and again, it showed and even played on my editing page but when I went to publish…gone, vanished into thin air.  So here is the video I tried to embed.

I actually would have liked to put another one or two up or perhaps even a video of Inquiry Based Learning in progress as out school but will have to figure this out still…this step, fail!

I have also added a blog page to the inquiry portion of my webpage.  I hope that this will be a way to share ideas, input, feedback, links, or just a way to connect about this topic first at a school based level before I look to connecting at a district or broader level.  Since I am not at the school every day, I would like this to be a way for people to contact me if they have a question about a project or an idea or whatever others would like to post.  The blog is up and I have posted a few things.  The next step is to figure out how to give other people permission to post and I do not know how to do that.

The next step for me is once school is back in session, to talk to the tech. people and see if they can help me tweak this part of the website so that my vision and my reality actually do match up.  I live in hope that this is a possibility!

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Filed under Assignment 3

Who am I connecting with?

Good question…who am I connecting with.  I have just had a light bulb moment in the last twenty four hours.  I was having a discussion with someone about my life circumstances and I have realized that I have been spending a huge amount of my time and energy devoted to this diploma program.  All the while, trying my hardest not to lose family time.  So what have I sacrificed?  Time spent planning and creating really innovative things for my teaching.  If I am truly self reflective, there have been many lessons and units that have not been as fantastic as they could have been had I had the time and energy to make them better.  In reality, I am connecting with others in this program more than I am connecting with the teachers in my own school.  Not in the way of social connections, but with intellectual connection and I need to do something about this.

As I consider this project, one of my desires was to host a forum in which I could stay connected with the incredible and innovative people in my classes.  However, when I take a step back, I realize that the people I really need to connect with again is my staff.  I will always be able to access innovative information about school libraries and teaching so I need to focus on putting all this intellect I have been nurturing in the last two and a half years into practice.  I will be adding information about Inquiry Based Learning and teaching onto my library site with the goal of reaching the teachers at my school.

We had a good discussion in class about what draws people into a website or a blog and while I understand the need to have a hook to draw people in, I think that my hook will be to encourage these types of lessons and units as I collaborate with all the teachers in my school this year.  As I do this, I will show teachers what I have put on the website and how to use these resources.  If we do it together, I am sure they will be more inclined to look at the information.  I am fairly confident that if I just put some information out in cyberspace, the only people who would seek it out would be people already interested in this type of learning and then I would really be preaching to the choir.  I want to broaden the horizons of the teachers around me to create better practice for the students in my care.  Perhaps then, when I feel I have found success in this topic I will be better equipped to broaden my ambition to district, province and world.

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Week 3, Monday

Here we are at final project time and in the space of three hours today, I have changed my mind three times about the platform on which I want to share my information about inquiry based teaching and learning.  I originally wanted to create a forum on SharePoint because I wanted to share with my staff and my school district staff about inquiry based teaching and had hoped that creating a forum would create a support network for this style of teaching.  SharePoint is our go to program for email, school calendar, messages and district sharing.  I figured that perhaps since we all will be checking SharePoint all the time, this would be the logical place to house a forum so it doesn’t become just one more place to look.

Then I thought, one of my favourite things about being here in Vancouver is being able to network with all these teachers from different districts.  Why would I limit my discussion to just my district?  I want to know what others in the province think about this topic.  Doni introduced me to Yammer and then I though, great, this is going to be my platform to link with other TL’s and teachers interested in Inquiry Based teaching and learning.  But this forum is really just a blog type format and I can’t seem to organize my links, video’s thoughts and ideas in an aesthetically pleasing way that makes me happy.

Then I thought Weebley.  I know that it is prettier than the SharePoint sites we have in our district.  But this is yet another place to link to from my website as I can’t have it come up from my schools website and really, this is about making information accessible and is several steps really the most accessible way to share information.  I don’t want it to become a “Where’s Waldo” hunt.

So now I have gone back to the Project Based Learning button on my school’s homepage.  This is basically just one link and fundamentally useless but my Principal has put it on there.  So then I asked myself, should I improve this link or should it’s home really be on the library website and this button on the main page could link to the library website.  Thus providing more useful information about Inquiry Based teaching and learning as well as possibly drumming up more views and support of the library website.  So as of right this minute, it think I will be adding and Inquiry section to the library website.  I fear that I still won’t have the aesthetics that I desire due to the SharePoint website restriction that engulf the school website but I hope that I will be able to add the information is a useful and practical way…now off to give it a try.

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