SharePoint has been the thorn in my side for the last couple of days. I have spent a copious amount of time trying to get my vision into reality on my SharePoint website and it is driving me crazy! As the official way to do all things in my school district, I am trying to tow the party line and give it a fair shot. In all honesty, I do not have a lot of experience with building websites so I am not really sure if it is me or if it is SharePoint.
The first thing that I tried to do was to add a Pearltree of websites that explain what Inquiry Based Learning is. In didn’t think that this worked, even though on my screen in did because I had someone else test it out yesterday and my Pearltree didn’t up. Thankfully when Jenny tried today it worked on her computer…perhaps I did something right.
The second thing that I tried to do was put a “shelf” from Shelfari up with 5 books that were recommended reading. Somehow, only one book would transfer onto my shelf…weird. So I changed from the shelf widget to a widget that just produced a list with pictures of the books. Not quite what I was going for aesthetically but it is there in some form. So, I guess I did something sort of right.
Then I tried to embed a YouTube video onto a page and again, it showed and even played on my editing page but when I went to publish…gone, vanished into thin air. So here is the video I tried to embed.
I actually would have liked to put another one or two up or perhaps even a video of Inquiry Based Learning in progress as out school but will have to figure this out still…this step, fail!
I have also added a blog page to the inquiry portion of my webpage. I hope that this will be a way to share ideas, input, feedback, links, or just a way to connect about this topic first at a school based level before I look to connecting at a district or broader level. Since I am not at the school every day, I would like this to be a way for people to contact me if they have a question about a project or an idea or whatever others would like to post. The blog is up and I have posted a few things. The next step is to figure out how to give other people permission to post and I do not know how to do that.
The next step for me is once school is back in session, to talk to the tech. people and see if they can help me tweak this part of the website so that my vision and my reality actually do match up. I live in hope that this is a possibility!