Post 7: PlayBook vs. iPad

It seems like RIM is adopting a new strategy – competing with Apple and several other newcomers (like Samsung) in the tablet market. Based on the marketing material, the PlayBook seems like a viable competition to the iPad, offering more features in a similarly attractive package. However, by the time the PlayBook arrives we should expect to see an update to the existing iPad, one that hopefully incorporates a camera and Flash capability – two items it sorely lacks.

While the PlayBook may indeed be a better product than the current iPad, it will have a much tougher time staying in the consumer conscience. As we learned in positioning, it’s easy to get into someone’s mind if you’re first, but so much harder if you’re second – even if you have a better product. The PlayBook may just be a tad too late, especially when other companies plan to enter the tablet market at around the same time as well. Can the PlayBook beat the information overload? It’ll be interesting to see.

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