Post 12: The Google Story

This article from the Economist chronicles some of Google’s biggest successes and problems. Although the article does not refer them specifically, we can derive two major concepts from class:

1) Strategy

Google derives the vast majority of its revenues from search-based advertising, just as Microsoft derives its revenues from Windows and Office. While Google remains a highly lucrative company, its stock prices have remained relatively stagnant (though not as stagnant as Microsoft’s) because investors worry about a lack of revenue streams for future growth. Youtube

However, Google’s diversification strategy is beginning to bear fruit. Its smartphone operating system, Android, has gobbled up 26% of the world market after only 2 years since its introduction. Youtube, which was purchased by Google several years ago, has a promising future ahead as mobile advertising gains momentum. (What do you do on a smartphone? Play games and visit Youtube!) Other projects, such as power generation and self-driving robocars, may have far-reaching consequences for the future.

2) Scale

While economies of scale certainly allow companies to minimize per unit costs, at a certain point, these cost savings will be overshadowed by the inefficiencies of a bloated corporate bureaucracy. Recently, Google has seen some of its best people migrate to other firms such as Facebook. These people complain that Google’s bloated bureaucracy is paralyzing decision-making and destroying its quirky and innovative culture. Google has responded by making multi-million counteroffers for leaving employees, increasing all employee pay by 10%, and giving business units more autonomy over their operations. Let us hope these measure will be enough.

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