Post 4: On Positioning

While doing our business plan, I noticed something very interesting about the business plan that ties in well with the marketing we learned in class. Our business plan is one about opening a new high-end fitness center (Woodland Gym) in downtown Beverly Hills, an affluent Californian suburb most commonly associated with Hollywood celebrities. The gym will be the only one in its near vicinity, which effectively gives it total monopoly of the market. While this monopoly alone will almost certainly guarantee good business, it is interesting to note how the gym plans to set itself apart from a competing gym 10 miles away. Woodland Gym will position itself several tiers above the competition, offering customers a luxurious environment with high-end, but expensive, services, while the competing gym offers lower quality services and facilities at a lower price point. Essentially, Woodland Gym plans to differentiate itself from the competition by targeting a completely different demographics. It will target BMW-driving, upper-class individuals while the competition targets the average Joe and Jane with much lower incomes – two different pieces of pie, so to say. I do wonder, however, how the fight will break out if a competitor similar to Woodland enters the fray?

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