Post 2: Business Ethics – Genetic Monopoly

I remember reading an article half a year ago on the privatization of genes – yes, genes. In a nutshell, biotech companies currently developing screening processes and treatments for genetic diseases are not only patenting the treatments themselves, but also the genes in question. Should a company succeed in “copyrighting” the gene, it will acquire exclusive access to all treatments and processes pertaining to the gene, giving it complete monopoly over that market.

This is unethical because not only can biotech companies charge astronomical prices for simple, but potentially life-saving treatments, it is also anticompetitive, since other companies cannot provide better, alternative treatments to fuel competition and technological advancements in the field.

Several lawsuits regarding this issue are underway in US courts. The debate currently favors abolishing gene copyrighting as genes are interpreted to be a public property. I certainly hope greedy biotech companies don’t succeed. Surely, entrusting the future of genetic research to private companies would not bode well for the public interest.

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