Black Friday and Online Shopping

Zoe’s blog, Fight on Black Friday? Go online this time, discussed the various tactics that online retailing giants such as Amazon and eBay are employing to attract customers on the upcoming Black Friday.

Amazon’s newly opened Black Friday Deals store will definitely become an attractive shopping destination. After all, customers are always looking for low prices, items to be in-stock, and a convenient shopping experience, all of which the new store promises to satisfy. However, despite this favorable outlook, there is also the risk that the store’s sales will come from Amazon’s existing market share, a sad possibility indeed.

On the other hand, eBay’s holiday “pop-ups” seem like a better idea. Not only will it be a fun experience for established eBay customers who already shop online, but it will also provide a great opportunity to advertise and attract customers who usually go to malls for purchases and just happen to pass by one of the many “pop-ups.”

In my opinion, there is a dire need for both Amazon and eBay to work on expanding the market base for online retailing as there are only 5% of U.S. consumers who shop online, a rather small percentage.

Leaders and Social Change

Duncan Watts’ blog entry, What Are Leaders Really For, provided an in-depth analysis on the role leadership plays in any social change as inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The blog entry is very extensive in its coverage of the topic and packed with information that I found both educational and interesting.

Duncan argued that in stark contrast to popular belief, leaders are not “the source of social change.” However, their presence is necessary as storytelling has always been our way to grasp the world and it is rather difficult to tell a story without focal actors around whom to center the action.

In the case of OWS, by refusing to name a leader, the familiar personality-centric narrative is absent, leaving us at a loss to process what “it” is. Therefore, in order to be taken seriously, the movement must first change to reflect what we expect from serious organizations, namely a leader to whom we can attribute everything. This transition is likely to happen in the near future as a result of its growth. Eventually, some form of hierarchy, which by nature requires a leader, will become necessary due to its increasingly diverse activities.

Exaggeration or Reality?

The German-born and British-based economist Detlev Schlichter warns us of the impending dollar doom. According to him, the world’s major currencies, the dollar, the euro and the yen, are destined to crash as they are locked in a race to the bottom. The only remaining question is which one will crash first.

He argues that we are only partially through a market meltdown that will be even worse than the Great Depression. One fact he employs to support his argument is that “U.S. industrial production is 12 times higher now than it was in 1929, but the amount of U.S. dollars in circulation is 200 times higher.”

Another fascinating piece of evidence Detlev uses is the history of paper money in China. The Chinese invented paper and ink, which quickly led to the creation of paper money. By tracking the development of paper money through a number of dynasties, he draws the conclusion that “all of these experiments ended with worthless currencies.” The underlying argument is that paper money will eventually get depreciated.

Entrepreneurship: Groupon

Founded in 2008, Groupon, the Chicago-based daily-deal giant, is a good example of entrepreneurship. Groupon is the first company to tap into the power of collective buying with its daily deals, identifying a new market and providing it with a unique service. Through the demonstrated innovation, it has gained various competitive advantages, which should have led to the rapid creation of a substantial amount of wealth. However, this is not the case for Groupon, which is currently running at a net loss. On the other hand, as a tech firm and a newer business, I would be rather surprised if Groupon is actually earning a profit. After all, given a young market that still needs some development, marketing expenditure is going to be astronomical. This has proven to be true as a major source of Groupon’s net loss is marketing expenditure. However, I felt that the key point is not whether Groupon is currently profitable or not, but whether it has the potential to rapidly creates a substantial amount of wealth in the future. Despite Groupon’s apparent success, many people are still skeptical about the sustainability of its success given the high risk associated with E-commerce.

Newer is Better

Bank of Nova Scotia is changing the name of its securities and investment banking unit, a name it has used for 12 years now. Although the new name has not been revealed yet, the general expectation is that it will start with Scotiabank, the common link in the bank’s new branding strategy. This move is intended to reinforce the fact that the division is not a separate entity, but a part of the bank’s overall business.

The rebranding of Scotia Capital is just a small part of the bigger change that lies ahead. Bank of Nova Scotia is planning to get rid of approximately half of its 60 brands around the world in an effort to present a more consistent face to clients.

Stressing the bank connection is not only a message to clients, but also to employees, emphasizing the integral role their business plays in the parent bank’s overarching brand. As a result, this new branding strategy allows for the clear identification of the bank among clients and employees alike. Given its large number of different brands, a result of years of growing by acquisition internationally, this plan to narrow them down seems rather inevitable.