Black Friday and Online Shopping

Zoe’s blog, Fight on Black Friday? Go online this time, discussed the various tactics that online retailing giants such as Amazon and eBay are employing to attract customers on the upcoming Black Friday.

Amazon’s newly opened Black Friday Deals store will definitely become an attractive shopping destination. After all, customers are always looking for low prices, items to be in-stock, and a convenient shopping experience, all of which the new store promises to satisfy. However, despite this favorable outlook, there is also the risk that the store’s sales will come from Amazon’s existing market share, a sad possibility indeed.

On the other hand, eBay’s holiday “pop-ups” seem like a better idea. Not only will it be a fun experience for established eBay customers who already shop online, but it will also provide a great opportunity to advertise and attract customers who usually go to malls for purchases and just happen to pass by one of the many “pop-ups.”

In my opinion, there is a dire need for both Amazon and eBay to work on expanding the market base for online retailing as there are only 5% of U.S. consumers who shop online, a rather small percentage.

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