View original articles on this topic here and here. With the new release of Apple’s new iOS6 software update, it has become the new dinner table topic of this week. As with every apple release, debate has become to rise over the pros and cons of the newest product. This time, controversy revolves around Apple’s new […]

In classmate Tanner Kirkpatricks’s blog post, he speaks of Nestle’s “usage of children as laborers in the production of their cocoa,” where “over 600,000 children are working on cocoa farms for little or no pay in excruciating working conditions.” Child labour has been a problem constantly discussed worldwide, and many large organizations, such as Free the Children, have […]

THE FACTS: Everyday, the McDonald’s franchise continues to expand worldwide; recently, the company has proposed the opening of two new franchises in Amritsar and Katra, two of India’s most religious locations. Hindu nationalist group furiously protests that these expansion are an insult to their race/culture, referring to McDonald’s as “an organization associated with cow slaughter,” and still deciding to locate […]

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