

From typewriters to the iphone 5, much has changed over the years. But, although technological advances have drastically improved, our nation’s narrow-minded views on society haven’t changed much. In fact, it is evident through these advertisements that women still continue to be the focus of sexist advertisements, and businesses continue to market towards the “weak”. Yes, back in the 1950s, those advertisements were more explicit sexist messages, but even now, the subliminal messages continue to leak through each advertisement.  Women, from being “the ones behind the kitchen” and “the ones who do all the chores” have now evolved to become “the ones who need to lose weight” and “the sexual appeal”.

So why is advertising towards children such a controversy, leading to the prohibition of ads directed towards women, but it is considered okay for a company to produce sexists ads that target insecure women? If society discusses greatly of equality, attempting to achieve gender  equivalence in recent decades, why are these advertisements still being made? Are businesses running out of original ideas, and better targets to focus on, that sexism is being resorted to?


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