In an iconic moment where millions sat in front of their computers and watched, live, the jump of the century, Red Bull had planted subconscious seeds of its company into the brains of their audience. Printing a sponsor’s company logo on an athlete/celebrity’s uniform isn’t a new concept, but Red Bull took it to an entire new world, literally. As Felix Baumgartner sky dives from space, millions watched in amazement, and as well, saw Red Bull’s name and logo at every angle.

The success of Red Bull’s ingenious marketing strategy is evident, as this iconic jump has become one of the most discussed topics of the year, and every time this topic is brought up and discussed, Red Bull’s association to this event will forever be imprinted into the minds of millions. Red Bull’s original slogan: “Red Bull Gives You Wings” has caused endless controversy of it being considered “false advertising”, but this jump has rescued the brand and given it a new light. In essence,  Red Bull might have spent millions of dollars on an event as such, but in my opinion, this was definitely a worthwhile investment.


The entire story can be viewed here.


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