Social media – the new platform for social branding.

On November 6th after the election outcomes, Barack Obama tweeted out 3 words – four more years, alongside a photo, and since then, it has become one of the most retweeted tweets in history, almost retweeted 900,000 times and favorites 300,000 times (original tweet). However, As Facebook, Twitter, youtube and such social media sites become the norms of society, social branding has emerged as one of the most advantageous marketing concepts of the new generation. It allows companies to  network and engage with customers on a must “closer” and more accessible scale.

Much like a company, Obama and his team has successfully taken advantage of social branding; by using its powerful platform, Obama  has channeled the emotions and opinions of its readers and fans through a meaningful message, and a capturing photo. It allows supporters to acquire an “insider’s” view of the situation, allowing them to comment, retweet and share this private moment to others. , Using only 3 words, Obama and his team have successfully marketed his character and personality to the entire nation, and beyond.


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