After the comm 101 lecture on company and people cultures, the idea captured my attention, and I decided to research the topic in further depth. It turns out that Whole Foods, Google, Southwest Airlines, Facebook, KAYAK, and countless other companies have been implementing such a culture as well.

Ample amounts of advertising, discussion and debate has occurred since Zappos and others began administered such a system in the workplace, and has proven to be successful in the retention of employees; similarly, the effort and drive of employees have immensely increased due to the decision. Employees working in such companies have expressed their gratitude for such an environment, and consumers alike have benefited from these changes.

If this method has proven to be successful and advantageous to companies, why haven’t more businesses began to execute similar changes in its working environment? Clearly, the extent of such cultures can’t always be obtained, as banks cannot simply have shake weight contests in the middle of the working day, but small changes in the direction of company culture can still be developed, no?

Zappos’ choreographed shake weight routine to “Eye of the Tiger”


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