External Blog: Simply Zesty

Posted by: | November 15, 2012 | Leave a Comment

Simply Zesty, a social media agency, not only assists companies in creating extraordinary marketing campaigns, but it is also the platform for one of internet’s most interesting social media and advertising blogs. Its blog can split into 8 categories in which readers can get a much more detailed look into the posts about social media, Facebook, Google, Technology, etc. Filled with photos and videos, the blog is never dull and text filled, but remains informative and engaging.

For businesses, Simply Zesty is not only an agency, but its blogs allow companies to read about the latest “Do’s and Don’ts” of advertising, and acts as a guide/advice page for businesses who want to learn more about the world of marketing and social media. For regular readers like myself, it is an entertaining blog to read and understand what companies are trying to achieve with its marketing strategies, and enlightens us companies’ successes/failures.

Simply Zesty is, quite frankly, one of my favorite reads on the internet. It’s creativity and entertaining blogs are just the perfect place for readers to benefit, learn and understand the world of marketing and social media.

Watch Simply Zesty’s video here.


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