#ModernWorldOfSocialMedia – #LowesFixInSix

With the rapidly growing world of social media, it is no surprise that companies have sought after ways to incorporate the world of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, @mentions and #hashtags into their marketing strategies. These campaigns usually aim to target the increasing population of Generation Y – the generation of the internet, social media, and Facebook lifestyles, where a computer or a smart phone is always found in the hands of the youth.

Lowe’s, an American chain of retail home improvement and appliance stores, were one of the few companies to successfully attract attention through the means of apps and current social media trends. Through one of the fastest growing mobile app “Vine”, along side the trending usage of hashtags, they created the marketing campaign #LowesFixInSix. Using Vine, an app that helps users create 6 second videos that could be easily shared to various internet platforms, Lowe’s made countless creative 6 second home improvement videos using stop motion animation, and used the hashtag #LowesFixInSix to promote their videos.

With a trending concept of “life hacks” being shared online, #LowesFixInSix catered to that idea quite well. Soon afterwards, these videos not only caught the attention of the press, with countless articles (for example: DDB Canada marketing blog discusses this, here and here) discussing such an inventive campaign, but they also successfully reached their target audience – Generation Y. When one of the most popular canadian marketing agencies, DDB Canada, recognizes and discusses the success and innovation of this marketing campaign on their website blog, you know you’ve done a stellar job advertising the campaign. The hashtags and videos have not only been a popular find on Vine, but it has also reached the some of the largest social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr to name a few. Ultimately, #LowesFixInSix has sparked endless discussion over its appliances and ideas, and triggered a spike in its brand recognition worldwide – making its newest marketing campaign the smartest, most innovative and trendiest ones yet.

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