Information is only as reliable as the source


This is in response to Winsum Tam’s blog post where she wrote an excellent post explaining the recent mishap in calculation resulting from the alleged usage of a non-factual source for information (Wikipedia) by a senior executive of BP.

They say that ‘knowledge is power’. That may be true but a few amendments to that saying might be in order keeping in sight the post by Winsum. Knowledge from a factual source IS power, without a doubt. But knowledge or information from a source which is not reliable can often create more problems than it solves. Mr. Rainey will agree with me as he’s currently looking at 5 years of posible jail time due to his miscalculations. According to his sources of information, a deepwater rig leaked 5000 barrels of oil per day; whereas, engineers believed it could possibly be up to 100,000 BOPD.

This made me appreciate the need for citations in all my work in university. Information is only as resourceful as its source and if that information is used to make decisions which will effect others too, then accountability also comes into question. This incident will serve as a reminder to all those in positions of power and responsibility because they have a greater responsibility on their shoulders as opposed to someone using information solely for himself.

Therefore, it is fair to say, your source is equally, if not more important, as important as your information.

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