Latin American Studies 100

Chapter 11: Document 11.1Texaco Lawsuit

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Texaco was deemed liable for the environmental damages caused by their oil extracting operations in Ecuador. The dumping of approximately 16 billion gallons of “production water”, which was illegal, led to this court case, as well as Texaco’s system to discharge their waste into the local environment in a “cost-effective” manner without taking into consideration the local environment and the health of the local communities surrounding the area.   The Court awarded an approximate total of US$9.5 billion as a result of the damages to rivers and soils from Texaco’s…read more


Doc 9.1 Mario Vargas Llosa, “The Massacre”

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This excerpt represents the type of violence that has been going on for centuries in Latin America. There is indeed a socio-cultural barrier between those who live in the bigger cities in Peru, and those who live in the Andes, or poorer regions. I have lived in Peru for several years and I know of and to a certain extent understand the type of violence that goes on in these countries, not only triggered by racism, but by religion, politics and culture. In this excerpt, the Iquichanos massacred and mutilated…read more


Doc 7.2 The Peronist Version of the Speech

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This speech by General Peron and his wife Evitas, was dedicated to the Argentine people in 1810; where descamisados gathered together to demonstrate their support for General Peron. The descamisados were the workers who supported Peronists, and was also the derogatory term used by Argentinian elites to insult followers of general Peron. General Peron was greatly loved by the people. They were forgotten and ignored by the corrupt politicians, those who were not patriots, and the imperialists left and right wings. Peron supported them and gave them hope for a…read more


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