Short Stories, Essays, Poetry, Journalism.

Individualism and Altruism in “Atlas Shrugged” (incomplete essay)

Human ability is capable of great things and is a quality loved and revered by many people, as is evident in the construct of modern capitalist societies. Those with great ability can work for and contribute to those with desperate need and expect a beneficial outcome as an “investment in humanity” if they can work towards an outcome beneficial to them while keeping their power and control in the interim.


Human ability is the central force behind economies of the developed world. In developed, democratic, capitalist countries the greatest effort which creates the best product receives the highest reward. Whether a person is the owner of a product patent or the janitor that cleans up his production line the abilities of each are imperative to the success of the business. In developed capitalist countries people usually have incentive to apply their abilities because they can expect to be payed a fair wage for their time and efforts. This means that many people’s lives operate on their ability to produce, whether they acknowledge it or not. That they continue to work their jobs and fulfill their purposes day in and day out despite problems that may arise, should serve as evidence that people love human ability.


The first achievement of human ability that comes to mind is the development of the transcontinental american railroad. Introduced at a time when industry was booming and an option for fast, inexpensive and reliable trade was desperately needed, the locomotive was a form of trade that allowed Americans to both exchange and commute across great distances while simultaneously connecting essential hubs of American production and innovation that were previously isolated. Railroads connected people, ideas and products coast to coast and facilitated rapid development, allowing for better correspondence in industry and more rapid development of new and better products and technologies. Because of this the american economy was able to continue to thrive, the industrial revolution could continue to develop and American society as a whole could progress at a more accelerated pace. It connected human ability with more human ability and allowed people to travel physically across great distances with their skills, their ideas etc to work and to contribute to somewhere far away. Wider variety of goods. Opened up new markets. Aided the Union’s war efforts in the American Civil war. Provided work for people who would otherwise have no opportunities for employment.


Trains are still used today and although the technology has improved greatly the basic design has remained constant.  The same track and wheels concept has allowed more efficient and economical train travel at speeds of 300+ mph (cite) and is capable of taking more cargo at higher speeds to further reaches of the globe. Commuter trains, subways and derivatives of their basic design such as trolleys are used in major cities worldwide to draw human talent from rural reaches into the downtown core. The impact of trains on America, and the world for that matter, has been a large and lasting one.  


Railroads were initially met with concern and skepticism. One consequence of this technology is the immensity of its importance. When trains were introduced to America they were implemented rapidly into nearly every facet of daily life. When such a radical development in human technology happens in society it is difficult for the populous at large to understand the full extent of the role of it in their lives and so people take it for granted or criticise its effectivity out of fear or envy, blind to the bigger picture. This creates an inviting opportunity for the leaders of industry to abandon moral precepts in order to take advantage of people’s ingratitude.


The phenomenon of American rail transport was made possible first and foremost by donations from government. Over a 35 year span, railroad companies received about 150,000 square miles of land and nearly $300,000,000 in funding. This means that those with wealth, power and opportunity invested generously to a large group of american people who were in the process of being squeezed out of jobs, skilled and unskilled, that was now left up to machinery. This investment paid dividends, as can be seen in societies today that still trade and commute by train.

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