Category Archives: Div 2: Mr. Haveliwalla

Le Fromage project d’oral due Mardi le 8 Novembre

Make sure your Le fromage project is uploaded for tomorrow November 8.

Posted in Div 1: Mr. Jungclaus, Div 2: Mr. Haveliwalla | Leave a comment

Le fromage poll

Don’t forget to visit to put in your answers.

Posted in Div 1: Mr. Jungclaus, Div 2: Mr. Haveliwalla | Leave a comment

Project Due

J’aime / Je n’aime pas project is due on Tuesday October 11.

Posted in Div 1: Mr. Jungclaus, Div 2: Mr. Haveliwalla | Leave a comment

September 26

Div 2 is currently reviewing simple expressions learnt last year and will be continuing to build on them with new oral language skills.

Posted in Div 2: Mr. Haveliwalla | Leave a comment