Disrespectful 9/11 Ad done by AT&T

Fellow classmate Pernille commented in her blog, that cellular company AT&T posted an ad of the twin towers in New York in memory of 9/11 on the 12th anniversary of the attack.  AT&T thought the ad which depicted a smartphone held against the New York skyline taking a photo of the memorial at ground zero, would be a tribute to the towers on the anniversary of the attack, but most viewers did not recognize AT&T’s efforts as respectful.  The purpose of the advertisement was to pay regards to everyone affected by the tragedy, but viewers thought that it was insensitive and responded over social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook to label the ad as “tacky” and “terrible”. AT&T took down the ad and apologized on these websites but people were still upset that AT&T had the audacity to produce a 9/11 themed advertisement.

I agree with Pernille’s opinion as she comments “the ad shows a lack of corporate social responsibility” and that it damaged AT&T’s reputation. Personally, as being a citizen of the United States and witnessing the twin towers destruction over the news channel that September 11th, 2001, I believe the ad is insensitive and that AT&T should have never published such an advertisement and will consequentially lose customers and respect.

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