
UrtheCast is bringing the world together with their two high-definition video cameras on the international space station. Anyone all over the world can stream this video from their computer or smartphone. The company calls it “a mashup of Google Earth and YouTube” because viewers will be able to “scroll, pan, zoom, and search your way around the Earth video stream, which will reveal everything from natural wonders of the world to buzzing urban centers.”

Not only will this expand knowledge of the earth, but it will also help with humanitarian relief efforts, which is one of my favourite points of this entrepreneurial venture. With the camera  going all over the world constantly, it will be able to catch natural disasters and the damage caused by them or a better quality image of groups of people in need.

Some think that this a an invasion of privacy, but people these days are already putting so much information on places like Facebook, and are letting pictures of themselves or there homes go on the internet on Google and Google Earth that this technology should not be seen as overly intrusive. UrtheCast is using the knowledge and creativity to keep society moving forward.


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