Bussiness With A Heart

My favourite area that we have talked about in class so far is definitely social entrepreneurship. I had no idea that this even existed until class, where we learned about Save on Meats and how they employ homeless people. I was happy to learn that being in business i am not constrained to be a big “soulless” cooperate person, but rather i can make a change somewhere other than the stock market.

I have had experience with volunteering abroad and i have seen the change even a tiny, non-insulated house with no electricity makes. Families can send children to school, save money, or buy food and luxuries. Communities can thrive, going from scarce shacks made of cardboard and sheets with nothing but dirt all around, to small wooden houses with electricity and gardens. The difference in two years is phenomenal.

What i like about social entrepreneurship that is doesn’t just give someone a place to start, it also teaches them to continue on their own and to expand and grow, and to spread that self-sufficiency with their family, friends, and community to grow as a society and improve the well-being of so many.

3 thoughts on “Bussiness With A Heart

  1. These pictures look all too familiar – when did you go on this trip? I have been to Vicente Guerrero, Mexico five times to build houses just like those. It’s an amazing trip. I certainly agree with you: social entrepreneurship is where it’s at!

    • I was in Vicente Guerrero too! In Padre Kino, it was amazing! When were you there? I went this past spring break with my high school.

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