Energy Aware; Will It Ever Come TO BC?

Energy Aware provides a tablet that shows how much energy a power user is consuming as well as how much the energy is costing them. It informs consumers in real-time how much unnecessary energy they are using and encourages them to use less so they can save themselves money, showing that there is an almost instantaneous reduction of 20% when consumers use the energy tablet.

Energy Aware must get the permission of BC Hydro in order to connect to the smart meters used in BC, but from BC Hydro’s point of view, is it a good or bad thing to allow Energy Aware to implement their product? BC Hydro gets money from all the energy consumed, much of it deemed wasteful, but why would they want to let Energy Aware introduce a product could, and most likely would, decrease their profits? Since BC is known as an environmentally friendly province it would be very good marketing for BC Hydro to allow Energy Aware access, they would be putting the environment ahead of their own profits. But they will get business with whatever decision they make, so i don’t see why they would. BC Hydro has not made a final decision on this yet, but when they do we will find out how ethical they really are.

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