BC Leading the Entrepreneurial Movement in Canada


On November 13th, Tony Wanless wrote a blog post for BCBusiness online, identifying the increasing rate of entrepreneurs in Canada. A recent study by CIBC discovered that half a million Canadians had begun their own business in June. Nearly half of the businesses in BC are soloist or self-employed. Because there are so few big businesses to employ people, Wanless suggests that many are choosing to employ themselves and be their own boss. The flexibility of being your own boss creates an opportunity for those who like having freedom. For instance, after my father, Mike Weedle retired from his work in Talisman Oil Company, he decided to create his own consulting business, Markets Matter Inc. This allowed him to have full control over when he wanted to work and what work he wanted to do. He then went on to consult at Nexen 3 or 4 days a week. Creating his own business allowed him to achieve the employment he wanted after retiring.

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