Reply to Neil Manning’s “Legalizing of Marijuana in Colorado”

Legalizing marijuana has always been controversial, whether people view it as a civil right or a dangerous gateway drug. Neil Manning posted on this topic on November 8th, soon after the legalization of marijuana in the state of Colorado, following the winning election of Barack Obama.

Medical marijuana is already legal so why should it not be legal for any user over the age of 21 to smoke marijuana? Neil believes that it is a gateway drug and should not have been legalized. He views it as dangerous and unethical.

I believe it was a positive amendment. Marijuana is already legal for medicinal purposes. If it helps people who are sick, how could it do danger to those who are healthy? Similar to alcohol, there are cases in which it will be abused. However, it is a right for people to make that decision.

It will really be a test for the US to see if it will improve their economy in Colorado, which I believe it will, considering the taxes they can make on it. The legalization will also make it safer for consumers, as the government can monitor what goes into the marijuana.

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