Twinkies Out of Business

In reply to Ryan Taggart’s post “Good-Bye Twinkies” on November 18th.

Hostess Brands Inc. went out of business recently. It is not a surprise as they have been close to bankrupcy since 2004 as well as are an unhealthy food choice in today’s health aware society. Hostess Brands Inc. produces the infamous unhealthy snack, Twinkies. Ryan makes a solid point in that the company has been liquidating its assets since the 80s, and it was too late to change their brand image or create healthy products. The consumer would be confused by this move and would likely not purchase the company’s products.

I personally, have never eaten a Twinkie before. I believe people are becoming more aware of what they eat and the demand for Twinkie’s was just not there anymore.

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