Business Ethics- American Apparel

American Apparel, no doubt, has contributed to the fashion world as well as pushed advertising boundaries with its risqué photo ads.

Based in America, where all of the manufacturing as well as distribution take place, it has been a brand that is proud of being “sweat-shop free.” CEO, Dov Charney is an advocate for liberalizing immigration and providing fair wage. However, there have been numerous accounts of sexual assault from his employees and a lot of negative attention towards the flamboyant CEO. What people need to think about is whether they value the ethics the company was originally based on, or whether they will not stand for Charney’s liberal ways, in which he admits to encouraging sexual relationships in the office place. American Apparel is a solid example of ethical contradictions in which consumers question whether the company’s promise “made in the USA” outweighs the CEO’s, for a lack of better a better word, sleaziness.

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