Unit Two Reflection

Researching how to create a LinkedIn profile was a very insightful experience. With technology integrating its way into our everyday lives, it is important to become engaged both through personal social media platforms and in a professional manner. I think creating a professional social media network is important. Especially during recent times, where employers seem more inclined for online communication, having a presence on social media is highly beneficial.

Preparing my report proposal and outline was helpful to organize my thoughts and deliver them. After receiving feedback from two sources, my progress has drastically changed and has enlightened me in improving my writing, considering challenges, and rethinking concepts and ideas.

Conducting a peer review was a very beneficial process. Reading other’s work allowed me to reconsider my own writing. This allowed me to be concise in my own writing and rework areas in my report where I noticed my partner had difficulty. Peer reviewing has taught me to be direct and clear with revisions through the form of writing. It can be challenging to deliver information via words rather than highlighting a document and commenting. Through receiving peer review, I have reworked my sentence structures, reconsidered my title, and have received ideas for improving content. This has taken my report further in the writing process to deliver my proposal appropriately. I think this process has taught me that criticism is very important as a writer. With writing, it is often hard to notice personal errors or how the text is read and delivered. Therefore, peer review is very beneficial as a second perspective is providing feedback and alternate suggestions.

Revised Report Proposal
