My name is Madison Strasman and I am from Toronto, Ontario and a third year student majoring in human geography. I began my studies in 2018 at Langara originally in health science and made the move to transfer to UBC in 2021. My professional interests have definitely changed over the past four years and only recently have I been able to say my interest is some combination of architecture and real estate. I am currently in the process of obtaining my real estate license and looking into architecture schools for post graduation.

Outside of academics, I enjoy playing the guitar, listening to music, drawing, and just about anything creative. I grew up in ballet for fourteen years and had the opportunity to dance in the Nutcracker Ballet which was a really fun experience. I also did choir in my early years of life but still enjoy singing for fun and enjoy the challenge of learning a song on the guitar and singing to it. I love to travel and explore architecture around the world and I think majority of my interest in architecture came from growing up in a family of architects but also from visiting different cities like London, Hong Kong, and Florence. Exploring and learning about cities (hence the human geography major) was something that I never appreciated before school and now I find myself judging and interpreting cities in a way I didn’t even know was possible.