To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 professor

From: Madison Strasman, ENGL 301 student

Date: July 12, 2022

Subject: Proposal for installing new streetlights on Southwest and Northwest Marine Drive


The audience of this report will be addressed to William Emo, the manager of the University Endowment Lands.


The purpose of this report is to address the concern revolving the absence of streetlights on Southwest Marine Drive, also known as the UBC Highway. This is important because commuters to the University rely on Southwest Marine Drive via bicycle, public transportation, car, or walking. As this region of land is not supported by the City of Vancouver it is supported and owned by the University Endowment Lands.

Statement of Problem

Southwest and Northwest Marine Drive has endured many incidents regarding pedestrians and drivers over the past years. This has caused the public to speak up on behalf of poorly lit streets as a contributing factor to the decrease in community safety.

Proposed Solution  

One possible solution to the poorly lit streets problem is installing new traffic lights along Southwest and Northwest Marine Drive. With this, vehicles will be able to have better vision of their surroundings and additionally light up sidewalks with pedestrians.


To assess the feasibility of installing new traffic lights along Southwest and Northwest Marine Drive, I plan to ask the following questions:

  1. What will the cost be to install new lights?
  2. Will the University Endowment Lands approve of this proposal?
  3. Will lights interfere with the Pacific Spirit Regional Park and its wildlife?
  4. Will lights draw more pedestrian traffic into the park?
  5. What are the implications of unlit streets?
  6. Is there an alternative method to providing lighting (reflectors, painting curbs etc.)?


My primary data source will be consulting the UBC community and residents of Vancouver through surveys conducted online. Additionally, the University Endowment Lands, and Pacific Spirit Park Society via email. I will also collect data on the locations of incidents in correlation to the absence of streetlights.

Secondary sources will include studies on the Pacific Spirit Park and the University Endowment Lands. Secondary sources will also include urban planning practices such as the City of Vancouver’s current bylaws regarding streetlights and costs to install lighting.

My Qualifications

For three years I have been majoring in human geography and gathering knowledge on the importance of community input and community well-being. I have become invested in this topic after many news reports relating to incidents on Southwest and Northwest Marine Drive, and personal experiences using the road.


To prevent further incidents along Southwest and Northwest Marine Drive, streetlighting will need to be installed with the approval of Mr. Emo and with the questions intended to determine the practicality of this proposal. With my revisions and your approval, I will begin research at once.