
On Tuesday, November 12, the Chinese leaders finished the third plenary session of the 18th Central Committee with a promise to grant private companies an more important role in the state’s economy. However, although the leaders were under pressure of providing the country with a more effective economic model, no dramatic reform was mentioned in the plenary session.

I am rather disappointed with the government’s announcement. Because the Chinese economy had been growing rapidly in the past thirty years and had slowed down in the recent years, a reform was desperately needed in order for China to maintain a constant economical growth. However, the leaders did not give a definite resolution to the concurrent problem; only a vague suggestion was provided. In my opinion, to maintain a high economic growth rate, a new, effective economical reform should be implemented as soon as possible because the state-centered model is no longer suitable for China’s current economical situation.

The Finance Minister to Announce an Early Completion of Government’s Financial Goal

The public expects the Finance Minister Jim Flaherty to announce some positive news when he announces the government’s fall economical update on Tuesday, November 19. Jim Flaherty hinted earlier that the deficit would be less in the current fiscal year and that an increase in surplus would be observed in the 2015 fiscal year. The minister’s signal has provoked speculation that the government may be able to eliminate deficits one year prior to the planned fiscal year.

I deem this as a great news, for the successful early elimination of financial deficits will benefit the Canadian Economy greatly.  Such action not only boosts the public’s confidence on the Canadian government, but also signifies possible taxation reductions in the future. Therefore, the Finance Minister has put himself into a favourable position by announcing the great news.

Pollution and choices

In Derrick Penner’s business blog “China, pollution and choices to end an addiction to coal in favour of LNG”, the author states that since the long-term usage of coals has polluted China’s environment, the country is now in favour of deploying liquified natural gas as a new source of generating energy. The Chinese is currently negotiating with Russia’s monopoly gas exporter, Gazprom, for a fair natural gas importing deal. If the deal is successful, a pipeline will be constructed on the coast of British Columbia.

The author recommends the public not to posses an optimistic attitude towards the potential economical benefits a pipeline would provide to the province, since the deal is still at its negotiation stage and that the Chinese have other options to purchase natural gas from. I completely disagree with the author’s point of view. I believe that the deal is likely to be settled within a short time span, since China is indeed in desperate need of natural gas and that importing from Russia would be the ideal solution, both economically and politically. Therefore, in my opinion, a pipeline is likely to be built in British Columbia, and it will provide the province with an abundant of job opportunities and a huge stimulation to the provincial economy.

More investments needed in order to improve work place skill levels

On Wednesday, November 13, the federal Employment Minister Jason Kenney stated that to solve Canada’s skilled labour shortage problem, employers need to raise wage levels; Kenney believes that current wage levels can barely keep up to the inflations, and therefore it is illogical for employers to complain about skill and labour shortage. The federal government intends to withdraw 300 million from the 500 million grant , originally used to assist provincial government and employers to train better skilled labour forces. Kenney claimed the government was not “impressed by the level if investment by Canadian employers skills training” (the Vancouver Sun 2013).

I totally agree with Kenney’s point of view. The employers cannot take advantage of their workers by giving out low wages and still expect to have skilled employees; if the employers wish to gain more, they need to commit more themselves instead of replying on government grants. The government has made the right decision to cut grants, since now the employers are forced to raise wage levels if they want skilled workers. A raise in income results in satisfied workers, who will in turn benefit the employers by contributing more to their companies. The problem has been adequately solved.

The American automobile giant General Motors has issued a recall on 60,000 Chevy Malibu sold across North America. GM states that a computer defect would cause windshield defrost problems, which will in turn affect the drivers’ fields of vision while they are driving. Accidents stemmed from this systematic error have yet been reported.

While recalling defected cars is a responsible and ethical act conducted by GM, I expect that the company will lose a lot of profit, not only from the labour cost needed to cover the recall, but also from the decline of customer confidence. When a major recall occurs, consumers are less tempted to buy vehicles from that company because they are reluctant to become involved with the possible future recalls. In addition, a sharp decline in consumer confidence is likely to cause a major decrease in the company’s stock value because share holders no longer believe the company is able to gain much profits. Therefore, GM will suffer a lot from the recall.


A Pipeline to be Constructed Through Protected Areas?

A document by the B.C. Parks in June 2013 recommends the oil companies to considerconstructing oil pipelines through naturally protected areas such as provincial parks and conservancies. While economists advocate the idea, environmentalists take an opposite stand, worrying that the construction of a pipeline will damage the surrounding


Personally I agree with the environmentalists. Although construction of pipe linrovide great economic benefits to both private companies and the government, the destructions such acts impose on the environment will be irreversible. The environment plays a great role in maintaining Canada’s economy, since our nation primary income comes from natural resources. Therefore, to maximize long-term benefits, the environment should be preserved; harming the environment will only provide short-term benefits to the economy.

Best sale in five years

The Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) said 403,136 new cars were registered in the UK, a rise of 12.1% on the same month in 2012.

Ford’s Fiesta ,the top selling car in UK,are sold 20,600 in SeptemberVauxhall’s Corsa comes to the next with 14,500 sold.Car sales have continue rising for 19 months.The increased new car selling comes from the growing economy and private demand as well as new technology.Recently,the idea of fuel-efficient new models has been come up with and taken into practice .In addition, buyers tend to change a car due to optimized  economy condition.

The availability of different kinds of financing deals also counts for the great increasing of sale.Richard Lowe, an analyst at Barclays, said: “Attractive finance packages are offering consumers more clarity on running costs, which even with a more promising economic outlook is an important factor for those on a budget.”Up till now,UK has become the second biggest car market and has been anticipated to remain strong.

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Amazing technology accessory-makers

Maybe you are thinking about changing a new smart phone or buying iPhone 5S,but have you ever been interested in changing accessories for your cellphones?Now welcome to the world of amazing technology accessories.

“Crucial to being successful is that you are in the market very quickly,” says Howard Harrison.Why would the customers buy your products instead of those of other companies?Obviously,the quick design and producing is the point.In addition,the accessories should be perfectly matching the cellphones in size.Producers need to gather the information from all sources,which need to be accurate before official launches,so it is actually a high-stakes game.”We get our information from 20 to 30 different sources,” Mr Harrison says. “We use all the intelligence we can possibly gather.”

Another problem accessory-making companies may face is the proper patent protection.Once a product is sold well,their competitors may manufacture poor-quality imitations.As a consequence ,their profit and reputation would be threatened.

The idea of those technology accessories comes from difficulties people encounter when using iPhones or other products,so the companies need to be sensitive and creative to find a way which makes customers more comfortable when using iPhones.

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The drink of kings makes a comeback

   Have you heard about mead,which is a kind of alcoholic beverage made from honey and water? Now this drink of kings is coming back to the US.

   The process of making mead is fairly simple.”We mix up honey and water over there and we pump it through a hot water bath at 160 degrees [71C] in a stainless steel coil here. Each one produces about 50 to 75 gallons [227-340 litres] of mead a day,” explains Mr Alexander.The raw material of making mead ,honey and water is very common,but what makes mead unique is it is alcoholic beverage.Maine Mead Works produces 7500 cases a year,including flavors of apple and blueberry.The reason why mead is able to come back is the changes of people’s preference.

   There is a lot of work to do to make mead known among people.In the past,people’s impression of mead is it is too sweet to match food.Technically, mead is classified as wine but it doesn’t have to be sweet.So,changing people’s perceptions is the most challenging thing to do.

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Sanlu Milk Powder Event

Sanlu, a top China brand, used to have good reputation among customers.The company     manufactured  a variety of products which is made from milk,including milk powder.In 2008,the baby formula of Sanlu was reported to cause calculus of kidney,which is a all-know serious decease.It called the concern all over China immediately.The government took swift actions to investigate what happened and to settle the panic.It turned out that Sanlu company added melamine into their products,which is extremely harmful to people’s   physical health.It had been clearly clarified in law that any company is not allowed to add melamine into food. However,Sanlu company chose to take risks in oder to make more profit ,regardless of customers’ feeling .The company declared that all the associated products would be recalled,but it is way too late.The poisonous milk powder had caused the serious consequence that thousands of babies caught the decease .Sanlu company declared they went bankrupt after trying to establish a new company with their original brand.In addition , the stakeholders were charged according to the mistakes they made.As we can see,the greedy managers disobeyed business ethic and got the punishment they deserve.The scarcity of business ethic is absolutely the beginning of a company’s failure.