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Archive for October, 2012

(Feedback of Case#2) During the class, we were introduced different cost of a company, such as fixed cost, varible cost, sunk cost, and relevant cost. Varible cost and relevant cost are easier to understand since one of them changes relatively to the output and the other changes depends on the decision which the administration makes. […]

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http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/apple-shares-fall-iphone-5-sales-fail-meet-145041575.html Iphone 5 is now coming into the market. Unlike the usual, Apple’s shares fell instead of defying gravity. The problem is the new product sales didn’t meet the analysts’ expectation. Comparing Iphone 5 to the prior product, Iphone 4S, there is no big and attractive difference. This leads to the low sales, and the […]

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http://www.quickmba.com/marketing/ries-trout/positioning/ The article highly generalizes the importance of brand positioning. As a customer, I understand that it is impossible for people to remember every advertisements. Just like the Olympics Games, everyone knows who is in the first place and hardly remembers the second or the third. Same application among brands. That’s true that customers keep […]

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