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Archive for November, 2012

(Reply on external blog post: http://blogs.ft.com/businessblog/2012/10/pricing-the-apple-ipad-mini-ask-steve/#axzz2CAC3I0tD)     IPad Mini is out in the market and creates controversy. It is a bigger size of iPhone and a smaller size of iPad. The internal system and most of the external appearance have no significant change. Some Apple fans still buy it but many rational customers are […]

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(Reply on Shuang’s post https://blogs.ubc.ca/shuangliu/2012/10/08/there-is-an-urgent-need-to-accelerate-investment-in-india/#content) In Shuang’s post, she stated clearly what inflation is and gave examples how government acts help fight the inflation. There are usually two ways to help fighting inflation, the fiscal policy and the monetary policy. The former one is government actions, and the later one is the policy related to […]

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Recently the project of Comm 292 is going on. The project is about BC Hydro Smart Meter Program. Due to the requirement, I researched many articles about the program. One of them, which grabbed my attention, called How smart is the Smart Metering Implementation Programme. It is interesting because it combines concepts in both Comm […]

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(Feedback  of class) On November 8th, we had a special 101 class. Neither Jeff nor Paul were the speaker, but two of the Sauder graduated students. Janice Cheam’s presentation impressed me, not only because I am now doing a project about BC Hydro’s Smart Meter. She told us about the process of starting a business. […]

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The example we are given in class which talked about the supply chain is Zara. I am interested in it not because I am a girl and Zara is a popular clothing brand, but also it special business model. Comparing to the other brand, it is differentiable by building the factory in Europe but not […]

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