How Customer Feedback can help businesses improve?

Customer feedback as i learnt in my Comm 101 Performance management class is a Customer metric to measure how well the business is doing in terms of happiness of customers.

An article in the business insider how customer metrics like satisfaction surveys and other feedback can help companies grow.In the IT systems class we talked about how using information technology like social media, websites and online surveys companies can gather customer feedbacks and take actions and decisions based on this.

The article mentions that customer feedback is very important for businesses to build good customer relationships, thus a positive review from people.This also helps companies understand what customers like and what they don’t so they can take decisions based on that for example if a wedding business asks for customer feedback and get to know that most customers like light coloured decor they would make use of that information and make customers happier in future. This further gives companies a constant opportunity and ideas to improve and therefore progress and beat competition.

Gathering customer feedback can help companies improves in branding, marketing and strategic decisions and with the help of information technology these days this is not very expensive to cater to either, keeping the accounting department happy too.


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