About Me

Hey! Welcome to mah blog.

Background story:

Inspired by Tara Michelle‘s blog, I wanted to start my own. I’m not exactly tech-savvy when it comes to formatting and understanding how to navigate a blog but I hope that will improve with experience; so for now, excuse the minimalistic and simplistic design layout (or maybe that is my theme after all).

What should you expect from my blog?

As of now, my blog is a “go-with-the-flow/post-whenever-I-feel-like-it” structure. I would not want to hit a point where I feel socially pressured to post just to release content. My motto is, post because you want to. Post for you. Post for memories.

About me!

Hi, it’s me! I thought I’d write a little blurb about myself just so you can put a face behind the posts.

I guess i’ll start with 5 interesting (and potentially weird/socially non-normative) facts about me:

  1. I prefer to eat sushi with ONLY wasabi.
  2. I like to create interesting (or weird, as my friends would say) food combinations. For example, I LOVE a good toasted bagel sandwich with jam and scrambled eggs. As a kid I use to drizzle ketchup on my rice. Yes, I know I’m cool.
  3. I’d consider myself a mediocre “foodie.” I mean my first two interesting facts are about food! Besides that, I think I’m fairly knowledgeable regarding the various restaurants/food places in my city. I just like food in general and I certainly believe it can serve as a foundation to cultivate and maintain a sense of community.
  4. I enjoy playing soccer and field hockey as I grew up playing both sports. Other sports & activities I like include tennis, hiking, bowling, skating, biking, ultimate and working out/staying active.
  5. I find it challenging opening up to others regarding expressing my emotions and thoughts. Although in some social settings I may be perceived as outgoing or a social butterfly, often times I stay quiet and observe (and there’s nothing wrong with that). There are times, however, when I want to speak up/voice my thoughts & opinions but a cloud of social pressure and doubt of confidence tends to overshadow. It’s this reoccurring battle/tension within me as I try to decide in the moment whether or not I should or shouldn’t do or say something due to social conventions. 

The goal of mah blog:

The goal of mah blog is a platform for me to express, grow and inspire.

I want to express my current state of mind through my blog posts. Living in an urban and densely populated society, many of us forget to self-reflect and pause to ask ourselves how we are doing, what our goals in life are, what mistakes we can learn from and how to appreciate who and what we have in our lives right now. My blog is a small reminder, for myself and/or even to a reader who stumbles by, to be grateful of your abilities, find passion in what you are doing, continue to learn and cultivate positivity.

I will grow just from creating this blog. Growing can take several different forms: physical, mental and emotional. I think growing is something that is hard to measure on a daily basis as often times growth isn’t tangible. Nonetheless, one can never stop growing, learning or teaching. 

Inspire is bidirectional. I can be inspired by others and/or I can (hopefully) inspire others. You can even be inspired and inspire others simultaneously. Being inspired does not need to entail a time-consuming process; rather, anything and anywhere you are can spark inspiration. Regarding inspiring others, the best advice I can offer and have stuck by is to be yourself. Don’t change for others. Be the friend that you would want to have.

Thanks for reading :)