Reflecting on my Learning

This reflection process has been very valuable and it is difficult to identify which topic resonated with me the most. Because I am working in a new position, each topic has such relevance to what I am trying to establish in my library that it only helps me to reflect more on where I want to continue to go in my library. Because I have also been working with my District TL group on an inquiry project surrounding using technology in the learning commons, I am quite focused on how technology supports the inquiry process. As I consider which technology resources support inquiry and research, I am finding that this course and my personal inquiry work hand in hand. Since I have found that these complement each other so well, I would have to say that my post on continuous learning truly resonated with me. I find that sharing with colleagues and listening to their experiences, really influences my next steps. Since this a new role for me, I truly value their advice and input. After spring break, I will be working with 3 teachers on individual inquiry projects in which we are going to implement technology such as Padlet and our library website with a variety of links, for the student’s final projects. I believe that it is important to support teachers with this type of transition as it may not have been something they have tried previously. If we work through the process collaboratively, hopefully they will become more confident and willing to try new types of technology to support their students’ learning.

As I have now settled into my position, my next step will be showing students and teachers new ways of supporting their students through the inquiry process. Below is a video from one of our district middle schools in which they have taken an inquiry approach to learning.

As I consider my key takeaways from my past reflections, I have come up with these key points:
1. Fostering a reading culture and a love of reading in a school takes time and is a process. By giving students multiple opportunities to explore reading in many different ways, helps them to make connections to literature.

2. When students get involved in their learning and create, they are more invested in the learning than if they went and memorized facts from the history textbook. Technology helps with engagement.

3. Making connections with a personal learning network helps me to reflect on my current practices and encourages me to try new things that I may not have thought of on my own. It also helps me to feel connected to other teacher librarians in my District. Connecting with people in similar situations through technology like twitter or our online class also promotes sharing, learning and professional development.

4. Collaboration is established by being supportive, open and willing to help others when needed. Building relationships with staff members creates trust and teachers will be more willing to approach you for collaboration opportunities when this has been established.

As I move forward, I know that the reflection process is a valuable one. In a new position, the opportunity to reflect on what I have done, what I will do and what is done by others has been incredibly valuable. I move forward knowing that I will continue to reflect, collaborate and ensure that I am asking questions when needed. This will help me to become the best I can be for my students and the staff at my school. Even after many years of experience, we need to remember that we are in a profession that is constantly changing and shifting. Ultimately we need to advocate for our role as Teacher Librarians and ensure that we are putting our best forward for our students.

Read 3 comments

  1. Great post, Melissa. I really like your list at the end of the post to nicely summarize your learning. One common thread that I notice for all of your key points is time. All of these ideas take time and careful consideration and I think you devoting both to each item.

  2. Great post! Your reflective post is very insightful and full of great takeaways. I also love that video from Royal Oak! Great share with that and I will definitely use this in the future. Also, good news, I got UBC to fix up the UBC blogs so that anyone and everyone can comment using whatever browser they want. So, no more commenting issues! Overall, great post.

  3. Best of luck with your collaborations! We are certainly in an ever-evolving profession and it seems like our TL role is turning into one of supporting and encouraging our colleagues in using new technology. Challenging but exciting times.

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