LAB 5: Environmental Assessment


The Garibaldi Lake project, is a concerning proposal because it is another example of the exploitation of the natural environment under the name of “job creation” and “economic expansion”. As one who is deeply concerned about climatic issues, I strongly suggest that this project to be stalled. There will be major disruption to the environment that could possibility enduring for decades. Not only so, but the creation will cause social conflicts such as land rights and traffic caused by construction and tourists. Located near Whistler, I personally don’t see a reason to have ANOTHER resort. The potential for any environmental disturbance is far more concerning than economic expansion at this point. Thus, the exercise where I had to write a supportive memo for this project was incredibly difficult to write, as I saw there were no viable reason for this project to proceed. It made me realize the power of language to make certain statistics to sound viable, when in reality they were concerning.

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