###################################################### # Vancouver Crime Data 2012: Data Processing Script # Date:October 20/2016 # By: Mana Hashimoto # Desc: GEOB472 ###################################################### # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ---------------------- Install Libraries ------------------------- # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # install.packages("GISTools") install.packages("RJSONIO") install.packages("rgdal") install.packages("RCurl") install.packages("curl") # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ----------------------- Load Libraries -------------------------- # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # library(GISTools) library(RJSONIO) library(rgdal) library(RCurl) library(curl) library(sp) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ---------------------------- Acquire ----------------------------- # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # access downloaded data from the local drive data<- read.csv("/Users/manahashimoto/Desktop/CRIME ASS/crime_csv_2012_nolatlong.csv") # inspect data print(head(data)) # ------------------------------------------------- # # -------------- Parse: Geocoder ------------------- # # ------------------------------------------------- # # change intersection to 00's data$h_block= gsub("X","0", data$HUNDRED_BLOCK) print(head(data)) # Join the strings from each column together & add "Vancouver, BC": data$full_address = paste(data$h_block, "Vancouver, BC", sep=", "), sep=" ") # removing "OFFSET TO PROTECT PRIVACY " from the full_address entries data$full_address = gsub("OFFSET TO PROTECT PRIVACY ", "", data$full_address) print(head(data$full_address)) # a function taking a full address string, formatting it, and making # a call to the BC government's geocoding API bc_geocode = function(search){ # return a warning message if input is not a character string if(!is.character(search)){stop("'search' must be a character string")} # formatting characters that need to be escaped in the URL, ie: # substituting spaces ' ' for '%20'. search = RCurl::curlEscape(search) # first portion of the API call URL base_url = "" # constant end of the API call URL url_tail = "&locationDescriptor=any&maxResults=1&interpolation=adaptive&echo=true&setBack=0&outputSRS=4326&minScore=1&provinceCode=BC" # combining the URL segments into one string final_url = paste0(base_url, search, url_tail) # making the call to the geocoding API by getting the response from the URL response = RCurl::getURL(final_url) # parsing the JSON response into an R list response_parsed = RJSONIO::fromJSON(response) # if there are coordinates in the response, assign them to `geocoords` if(length(response_parsed$features[[1]]$geometry[[3]]) > 0){ geocoords = list(lon = response_parsed$features[[1]]$geometry[[3]][1], lat = response_parsed$features[[1]]$geometry[[3]][2]) }else{ geocoords = NA } # returns the `geocoords` object return(geocoords) } # Geocode the events - we use the BC Government's geocoding API # Create an empty vector for lat and lon coordinates lat = c() lon = c() # loop through the addresses for(i in 1:length(data$full_address)){ # store the address at index "i" as a character address = data$full_address[i] # append the latitude of the geocoded address to the lat vector lat = c(lat, bc_geocode(address)$lat) # append the longitude of the geocoded address to the lon vector lon = c(lon, bc_geocode(address)$lon) # at each iteration through the loop, print the coordinates - takes about 20 min. print(paste("#", i, ", ", lat[i], lon[i], sep = ",")) } #add the lat lon coordinates to the dataframe data$lat = lat data$lon = lon # after geocoding, it's a good idea to write your file out! # you will need to modify the directory where you want R to write # your data! ofile = '/Users/manahashimoto/Desktop/lon-lat_vancrime2012_mana_hashimoto.csv' write.csv(data, ofile) data<-read.csv('/Users/manahashimoto/Desktop/CRIME ASS/lon-lat_vancrime2012_mana_hashimoto.csv') # ------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Mine ---------------------- # # ------------------------------------------------- # # --- Examine the unique cases --- # # examine how the cases are grouped - are these intuitive? unique(data$TYPE) # examine the types of cases - can we make new groups that are more useful? # Print each unique case on a new line for easier inspection for (i in 1:length(unique(data$TYPE))){ print(unique(data$TYPE)[i], max.levels=0) } # Break-ins break_ins = c('Break and Enter Residential/Other', 'Break and Enter Commercial') #Theft theft= c('Theft from Vehicle', 'Other Theft', ' Theft of Vehicle') #Mischief mischief= c('Mischief') # Offences and Homocides offences_homocides= c('Offence Against a Person', ' Homocide') # give class id numbers: data$cid = 9999 for(i in 1:length(data$TYPE)){ if(data$TYPE[i] %in% break_ins){ data$cid[i] = 1 }else if(data$TYPE[i] %in% mischief){ data$cid[i] = 2 }else if(data$TYPE[i] %in% offences_homocides){ data$cid[i] = 3 }else if(data$TYPE[i] %in% theft){ data$cid[i] = 4 } } # --- handle overlapping points --- # # Set offset for points in same location: data$lat_offset = data$lat data$lon_offset = data$lon # Run loop - if value overlaps, offset it by a random number for(i in 1:length(data$lat)){ if ( (data$lat_offset[i] %in% data$lat_offset) && (data$lon_offset[i] %in% data$lon_offset)){ data$lat_offset[i] = data$lat_offset[i] + runif(1, 0.0001, 0.0005) data$lon_offset[i] = data$lon_offset[i] + runif(1, 0.0001, 0.0005) } }
R also allows us to easily compute the frequencies of the crimes:
# --- what are the top calls? --- # # get a frequency distribution of the calls: top_crimes = data.frame(table(data$TYPE)) top_crimes = top_crimes[order(top_calls$Freq), ] print(top_crimes) Var1 Freq 1 Break and Enter Commercial 1687 2 Break and Enter Residential/Other 3311 3 Homicide 8 4 Mischief 4243 5 Offence Against a Person 3780 6 Other Theft 11788 7 Theft from Vehicle 8097 8 Theft of Vehicle 1151
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ---------------------------- Filter ------------------------------ # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Subset only the data if the coordinates are within our bounds or if # it is not a NA data_filter = subset(data, (lat <= 49.313162) & (lat >= 49.199554) & (lon <= -123.019028) & (lon >= -123.271371) & == FALSE ) # plot the data plot(data_filter$lon, data_filter$lat) # If everthing looks good, we might also write out our file: ofile_filtered = '/Users/manahashimoto/Desktop/CRIME ASS/vancrime2012_mana_hashimoto.csv' write.csv(data_filter, ofile_filtered) # --- Convert Data to Shapefile --- # # store coordinates in dataframe coords_vancrime2012 = data.frame(data_filter$lon_offset, data_filter$lat_offset) # create spatialPointsDataFrame data_shp = SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = coords_vancrime2012, data = data_filter) # set the projection to wgs84 projection_wgs84 = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") proj4string(data_shp) = projection_wgs84 # set an output folder for our geojson files: geofolder = "/Users/manahashimoto/Desktop/CRIME ASS/CRIME2012/2012files/" # Join the folderpath to each file name: opoints_shp = paste(geofolder, "vancrime_", "2012", ".shp", sep = "") print(opoints_shp) opoints_geojson = paste(geofolder, "calls_", "1401", ".geojson", sep = "") print(opoints_geojson) # write the file to a shp writeOGR(data_shp, opoints_shp, layer = "data_shp", driver = "ESRI Shapefile", check_exists = FALSE) # write file to geojson writeOGR(data_shp, opoints_geojson, layer = "data_shp", driver = "GeoJSON", check_exists = FALSE) # --- aggregate to a grid --- # # ref: # set the file name - combine the shpfolder with the name of the grid grid_fn = '' # read in the hex grid setting the projection to utm10n hexgrid = readOGR(grid_fn, 'OGRGeoJSON') hexgrid_wgs84 = spTransform(hexgrid, projection_wgs84) # Use the poly.counts() function to count the number of occurrences of crimes per grid cell grid_cnt = poly.counts(data_shp, hexgrid_wgs84) # define the output names: ohex_shp = paste(geofolder, "hexgrid_250m_", "2012", "_cnts", ".shp", sep = "") print(ohex_shp) ohex_geojson = paste(geofolder, "hexgrid_250m_","2012","_cnts",".geojson") print(ohex_geojson) # write the file to a shp writeOGR(check_exists = FALSE, hexgrid_wgs84, ohex_shp, layer = "hexgrid_wgs84", driver = "ESRI Shapefile") # write file to geojson writeOGR(check_exists = FALSE, hexgrid_wgs84, ohex_geojson, layer = "hexgrid_wgs84", driver = "GeoJSON")
Applying Leaflet
# install the leaflet library install.packages("leaflet") # add the leaflet library to your script library(leaflet) library(sp) # initiate the leaflet instance and store it to a variable m = leaflet() # we want to add map tiles so we use the addTiles() function - the default is openstreetmap m = addTiles(m) # reading in a csv file - our data_filter.csv from the vancrime2012 csv file. # this string tells my R where to find data_filter.csv on my laptop. # you will need to change it to tell your R where to find your own # file! filename = "/Users/manahashimoto/Desktop/CRIME ASS/vancrime2012_mana_hashimoto.csv" data_filter = read.csv(filename, header = TRUE) # subset out your data_filter: df_breakins = subset(data_filter, cid == 1) df_mischief = subset(data_filter, cid == 2) df_offences_homocides = subset(data_filter, cid == 3) df_theft = subset(data_filter, cid == 4) # initiate leaflet m = leaflet() # add openstreetmap tiles (default) m = addTiles(m) # you can now see that our maptiles are rendered m colorFactors = colorFactor(c('red', 'orange', 'purple', 'blue', 'pink', 'brown'), domain = data_filter$cid) m = addCircleMarkers(m, lng = df_breakins$lon_offset, # we feed the longitude coordinates lat = df_breakins$lat_offset, popup = df_breakins$TYPE, radius = 2, stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.75, color = colorFactors(df_breakins$cid), group = "1 - Break-ins") m = addCircleMarkers(m, lng = df_mischief$lon_offset, lat=df_mischief$lat_offset, popup = df_mischief$TYPE, radius = 2, stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.75, color = colorFactors(df_mischief$cid), group = "2 - Mischief") m = addCircleMarkers(m, lng = df_offences_homocides$lon_offset, lat=df_offences_homocides$lat_offset, popup = df_offences_homocides$TYPE, radius = 2, stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.75, color = colorFactors(df_offences_homocides$cid), group = "3 - Offenses and Homocides") m = addCircleMarkers(m, lng = df_theft$lon_offset, lat=df_theft$lat_offset, popup = df_theft$TYPE, radius = 2, stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.75, color = colorFactors(df_theft$cid), group = "4 -Theft") m = addTiles(m, group = "OSM (default)") m = addProviderTiles(m,"Stamen.Toner", group = "Toner") m = addProviderTiles(m, "Stamen.TonerLite", group = "Toner Lite") m = addLayersControl(m, baseGroups = c("Toner Lite","Toner"), overlayGroups = c("1 - Break-ins", "2 - Mischief", "3 - Offences and Homocides","4 - Theft") ) # make the map m # subset out your data_filter: df_breakins = subset(data_filter, cid == 1) df_mischief = subset(data_filter, cid == 2) df_offences_homocides = subset(data_filter, cid == 3) df_theft = subset(data_filter, cid == 4) # Now we're going to put those variables into a **list** so we can loop through them: data_filterlist = list(df_breakins = subset(data_filter, cid == 1), df_mischief = subset(data_filter, cid == 2), df_offences_homocides = subset(data_filter, cid == 3), df_theft = subset(data_filter, cid == 4)) # Remember we also had these groups associated with each variable? Let's put them in a list too: layerlist = c("1 - Breakins", "2 - Mischief", "3 - Offences Homocides","4 - Theft") # We can keep that same color variable: colorFactors = colorFactor(c('red', 'orange', 'purple', 'blue', 'pink', 'brown'), domain=data_filter$cid) # Now we have our loop - each time through the loop, it is adding our markers to the map object: for (i in 1:length(data_filterlist)){ m = addCircleMarkers(m, lng=data_filterlist[[i]]$lon_offset, lat=data_filterlist[[i]]$lat_offset, popup=data_filterlist[[i]]$TYPE, radius=2, stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.75, color = colorFactors(data_filterlist[[i]]$cid), group = layerlist[i] ) } m = addTiles(m, "Stamen.TonerLite", group = "Toner Lite") m = addLayersControl(m, overlayGroups = c("Toner Lite"), baseGroups = layerlist ) m # define the filepath hex_1401_fn = '' # read in the geojson hex_1401 = readOGR(hex_1401_fn, "OGRGeoJSON") m = leaflet() m = addProviderTiles(m, "Stamen.TonerLite", group = "Toner Lite") # Create a continuous palette function pal = colorNumeric( palette = "Greens", domain = hex_1401$data ) # add the polygons to the map m = addPolygons(m, data = hex_1401, stroke = FALSE, smoothFactor = 0.2, fillOpacity = 1, color = ~pal(hex_1401$data), popup = paste("Crime Density: ", hex_1401$data, sep="") ) m = addLegend(m, "bottomright", pal = pal, values = hex_1401$data, title = "Crime Density", labFormat = labelFormat(prefix = " "), opacity = 0.75 ) m # initiate leaflet map layer m = leaflet() m = addProviderTiles(m, "Stamen.TonerLite", group = "Toner Lite") # --- hex grid --- # # store the file name of the geojson hex grid hex_1401_fn = '' # read in the data hex_1401 = readOGR(hex_1401_fn, "OGRGeoJSON") # Create a continuous palette function pal = colorNumeric( palette = "Greens", domain = hex_1401$data ) # add hex grid m = addPolygons(m, data = hex_1401, stroke = FALSE, smoothFactor = 0.2, fillOpacity = 1, color = ~pal(hex_1401$data), popup= paste("Crime Density: ",hex_1401$data, sep=""), group = "hex" ) # add legend m = addLegend(m, "bottomright", pal = pal, values = hex_1401$data, title = "Crime Density", labFormat = labelFormat(prefix = " "), opacity = 0.75 ) # --- points data --- # # subset out your data: df_breakins = subset(data_filter, cid == 1) df_mischief = subset(data_filter, cid == 2) df_offences_homocides = subset(data_filter, cid == 3) df_theft= subset(data_filter, cid== 4) data_filterlist = list(df_breakins = subset(data_filter, cid == 1), df_mischief = subset(data_filter, cid == 2), df_offences_homocides = subset(data_filter, cid == 3), df_theft = subset(data_filter, cid == 4)) layerlist = c("1 - Breakins", "2 - Mischief", "3 - Offences Homocides","4 - Theft") colorFactors = colorFactor(c('orange', 'purple', 'blue', 'brown', 'red', 'brown'), domain=data_filter$cid) for (i in 1:length(data_filterlist)){ m = addCircleMarkers(m, lng=data_filterlist[[i]]$lon_offset, lat=data_filterlist[[i]]$lat_offset, popup=data_filterlist[[i]]$TYPE, radius=2, stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.75, color = colorFactors(data_filterlist[[i]]$cid), group = layerlist[i] ) } m = addLayersControl(m, overlayGroups = c("Toner Lite", "hex"), baseGroups = layerlist ) # show map m