Assignment #2: Using Processing

Learning the basics of Processing and how to use visual code.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the basic concepts of programming visual outputs with code.
  • Become familiar with writing simple code to draw shapes, lines, and colours in Processing.
  • Explore the difference between static and dynamic displays as created by our code.
  • Become acquainted with the sources of information and help available to ‘part-time’ coders.

Part 1: Recreating a piece by El Lissitzky

‘Untitled’ (from Proun) by El Lissitzky- Original

My replica, using generated by coding with Processing:



My code is as below:

//1. background
size (456, 457); 
background (0); 

//2.tan background
  rect(62,0, 336, 457);
//3. grey rectangle
//5. recA
  quad(192,99,180,101, 223,146, 237,145);
//6. rectB

  stroke (100);
  line(295,150, 295,280);

// line2

  line(194,323, 282,322);


  ellipse(187,230, 149, 150);


Part 2: Creating a Dynamic Sketch Remix

Using Variables and Looping:

My code is as below:

float circleX;
float circleY;

//1. background
void setup(){
  size (456, 457); 
  background (191,206,200); 
  circleX= 187;

void draw(){
  circleX=random (width);
  circleY= random (height);
  if (mousePressed){
//2.tan background
  rect(62,0, 336, 457);
//3. grey rectangle
//5. recA
  quad(192,99,180,101, 223,146, 237,145);
//6. rectB

  stroke (100);
  line(295,150, 295,280);

// line2

  line(194,323, 282,322);


  ellipse(circleX,circleY, 149, 150);
