Recently, in class, we discussed an article on the downfall of concerts which gave me the idea to write my first blog post on my favourite artist: Lights! It was only a few months back that Lights was here in Vancouver and I got to see her live!
For those that do not know who she is:

Anyway, so having learned the marketing mix, I can relate it much to her concert.
Product: CDs, tshirts, hoodies, wristbands, tote bags, calendars
Price: It is pretty much expected that products sold at a concert are more expensive cause it adds value to your experience- the tshirt I bought was for $25 at the concert. The ticket itself wasn’t too bad for a concert: $30- worth my money to watch her live!
Place/Distribution: For the ticket, I bought it online – then as the concert came closer all the tickets were sold out and people were selling her tickets for over $200 online! At the concert, products were placed right by the entrance doors to the concert so it is very convenient for fans to either line up before they head in, or drop their stuff off inside and come right back out. However, I found the distribution to be rather poor with only one person handling the cash, delivery, and everything else.
Promotion: The products (especially the tshirts) – were pretty much self promoting. I swear, everyone at the concert had a LIGHTS tshirt on!
My two girls and I were very lucky to get the last 3 shirts in this design at our size:
and myself:
group picture with the boys:
PS. Who knew a few months later I’d bump into her at Cypress when I was snowboarding!
and my very own personal picture with LIGHTS: