Richmond Youth Foundation Presents…KARMA!

As part of the fund development committee of the Richmond Youth Foundation- we hosted our first fundraising event of this new year- clubbing at Caprice! (A great way to attract youths to support youths)

For those that has never heard of the Richmond Youth Foundation here is our website link: :). Basically, the RYF offers young leaders financial help to begin youth projects and other support so that they can make the community a better place.

Anyway, thought I should do a mini CDSTEP on our event yesterday:

Culture: In our generation, clubbing is part of youths culture. It was a fun way to socialize and have a few drinks and dance their stress away.

Demographics: As many of our friend’s were all born within the Generations Y- many are now legal to go clubbing- so we set our target towards the youths in our generation (Y for Youths!)

Social: Youths in our generation consider going to a club on a Friday night as a social event. It is socially acceptable to find people our age at a night club having some fun!

Technology: We promoted our event mostly through Facebook (oh…the power of facebook). Of course, word of mouth is very important – and so are our cellphones!

Economic: Our tickets were on sale for $10- and many of the youths are able to pay this price. It is actually cheaper to go with us cause usually cover is $12! Many students do work, so $10 is absolutely payable and economical!

Political/Legal: Richmond Youth Foundation classifies youths as being aged 25 and under. Since it was a clubbing event, our legal issue is to ensure our customers are 19+!

Here is the poster we used to promote our event:

and… I guess we did a great job because…

In conclusion: we raised over $1400 for the Richmond Youth Foundation!!!

Companies and foundations are always starting initiatives to make the community a better place. Check out Colin Zhang’s blog to learn about Coca Cola’s exciting initiatives if you don’t know already!


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