Yes, I am running for CUS 3rd Year Rep! Due to safety hazards, candidates are not allowed to be handing out flyers as part of their campaign (apparently students slip on them). So, aside from posters, I figured the best way to campaign is to use …SOCIAL MEDIA!

So for this post, I am actually going to be on the other side: I am going to market myself!

The first question that usually comes to voters when you try to market yourself is usually… ‘why should I vote for you?’ I am not going to go on about how I will hear your ideas and provide voice for you because that is pretty much given to be my responsibility. Instead, I think students should vote for me not because of how qualified I am but instead because of who I am – because really, I think everyone running is perhaps just as qualified. We all have a variety of experience and can qualify as a leader.

Of course, I plan to…
1. Assist in creating a bond between the diverse culture we have at Sauder today.
2. Setting the budget to ensure that your student fees do not go to waste- used wisely and responsibly.
3. Eliminate any feelings of intimidation between CUS Board of Directors and you, fellow classmates, associates, and friends.

I believe that I will make a good representative because of my character. Physically, I am small but I am full of energy and enthusiasm. I am friendly, dedicated, accepting, and easy to approach. Last year, when deciding who to vote for as the Second Year Rep – I considered how likely I am able to go up to that person without feeling intimidated and how likely I can talk to them without feeling they are more authoritative than I am.

In my opinion- I think my best selling point is my smile: I can promise that every time you pass me by, 99% of the time I will have a smile on my face (that 1% will go towards any bad days)

So, if you want to support me- please go check out my facebook event page:

Thank you for your support and look forward to meeting some of you!

<3 Mandy

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