I Don’t Want This Weekend to End

Music’s hottest topic: Rebecca Black’s new song- Friday. So after reading a blog post onĀ http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/videogaga/71429/is-youtube-sensation-rebecca-blacks-friday-the-worst-song-ever/, I wanted to write about how the new “horrible” is the new “good.”

In class we learned about the communication process. Process begins with the sender – in this case, is Ark’s company. This song was really the first big “hit” for them, and everyone is hoping to be their last. Mentioned in the blog post above, the song’s transmitter was really when a blog posted as the “Songwriter isn’t for everyone.” This was the song’s major promotion and since last “Friday,” this song has been blogged about, Tweeted, Facebooked, Youtubed and all. Approaching the encoding part of the communication process, audience all watch and listens to the new song. Through Youtube, Itunes, and all different marketing channels the audience is able to hear, see, and process the song. During the communication channel, there were more noise as the days went by as more people made parodies of the song that affected audience that was looking for the actual song. Finally, we’re here today at the feedback loop. The song appears to be one of the worst songs ever written, and there’s not one person that doesn’t know this song. On a marketing level, Rebecca Black has done a great job to market her song. She has created brand awareness- even top-of-mind awareness.. but just not necessarily on the positive side.

And for those who have not yet watched this video….YouTube Preview Image


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